Saturday, April 17, 2010

Comments 4 teachers weeks 10 & 12

For Weeks 10 & 12 I commented on Mrs. Follis' blog, The Follis Files

Mrs. Follis was discussing collabrotive earning techniques such as group projects and study sessions and how these could help students better preform in class. I commented on her blog saying that I agreed with her on how group collaboration could lead to a better understanding of the subject at hand. Some people have a more interactive learning style then others who do just fine by reading from the book or listening to lecture. Some students need to be able to bounce ideas off one another and relieve feed back from their peers. She also disused how waiting tables when she was younger helped prepare her to deal with a class full of kids. I agree with her completely, I too am waiting tables to put myself through school. I know that I am learning skills that will enable me to control my class room and to help tailor to individual students needs. There a lot of things you can learn from working with lots of random people. You learn that everyone is different and how to read these different people. You learn to see when someone needs something that they are not prepared to ask for, weather is be an extra ranch dressing for their salad or help understanding a question. I really enjoyed reading Mrs. Follis' blog, I think that she brought a lot of interesting things to light.

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